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Health is holistic in nature . Provide 5 different answers to what that means?

Health is holistic in nature . Provide 5 different answers to what that means?- not when implied to health. That's only when it's used to market a claim. Often incorporates vague ideas about meditation, prayers, healing touch, homeopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture, herbs, vitamins, minerals and exotic diets as treatments for a variety of ailments.

The word holistic was coined by the South African statesman and philosopher Jan Smuts in his works "“Holism and Evolution” and defined it as “the tendency in nature to form wholes that are greater than the sum of the parts”.

Holistic is often used as a The Straw Man logical fallacy goes something like this:
– ‘conventional’ medicine is only concerned about treating symptoms
– it fails to seek ‘underlying reasons’ for illness
– it fails to look at the ‘whole person’, spiritual and physical.
– your medical practitioner never has time for these other aspects
Meanwhile my quack therapy, on the other hand, does treat the ‘whole person’. Therefore, you should spend your money on me.

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